Compliance & Ethics

We are committed to uphold the highest standards of ethical business conduct in all our activities wherever we operate. This commitment is clearly set out in our Code of Conduct. We also set clear ethical requirements for our business partners and suppliers.


Demonstrating business integrity and tackling corruption is increasingly essential to meet strict ethical requirements from our customers, and to protect our reputation. All employees must be familiar with our Code of Conduct and are expected to complete training on ethical business conduct annually.


Our online refresher training is designed to help employees identify and solve ethical dilemmas they may face in real-life work situations, know who they should ask for support, and where to report concerns. We put special emphasis on anti-corruption measures, with targeted face-to-face training sessions for small groups of employees in high-risk roles such as sales.


We encourage our staff and other stakeholders to report any concerns about unethical behavior or suspected violations of our Code of Conduct – either openly or anonymously. Our Ethics and Compliance Office fully and aggressively investigates any reported concerns and ensures appropriate follow-up action is taken.



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